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FRI SEPT 13 2024 - JAN 2025


To Walk Between Candle and Flame

Pakistani artist Muzzumil Ruheel’s latest exhibition, his 21st solo show, jumps into the black hole of emptiness with quiet respect, reinterpreting traditional calligraphy into experimental forms that speak beyond words.

In his hands, the elemental shapes of language are transformed from a method of communication into a medium of primal expression: to say what cannot be said, beyond the place where words fail.

Halim Al-Karim


To compliment Muzzumil's work, we invited four global creatives to bring their distinct lenses to unpacking the concept of emptiness.

Paired with the catalog are writings from Sufi scholar Jacob Dominicus, musician R.M. Hendrix on echo and reverberation, sustainable fashion pioneer Sass Brown honoring artisan memory, and creative technologist Shuya Gong unpacking the emotional ergonomics of cyberspace.

R.M. Hendrix

On Emptiness & Sound

Jacob Dominicus

On Emptiness
& Sufism

Sass Brown

On Emptiness
& The Artisan

Shuya Gong

On Emptiness
& Cyber synethesia